told reporters
I read several pieces on the anti transit PR campaign, though, which is similarly funded by fossil fuel groups and local community figures with interests in the automotive industry. The money is being thrown at this thing from both sides by the people and corporations who have money and have a monetary interest in seeing this plan either succeed or fail, but neither of those is a reflection of a lack of public support. Most public polls I seen have this issue split more or less 50 50.. Machuga, from Norco, Calif., hasn't decided where he will play this season. The 5 foot 7, 180 pound Machuga, who scored the Blazers' only goal in a 4 1 loss to the visiting Chilliwack Bruins cheap jerseys on Friday, started last season with the Blazers. He got into 18 games before being sent home.. "I had a phase of about four or five years of writing songs about cars," Berry told an interviewer in 1967, describing "a yearning which I had since I was aged seven to drive about ...